how to add background music to google slides and why it's important for creating engaging presentations

how to add background music to google slides and why it's important for creating engaging presentations

When you’re working on your Google Slides presentation, you might find that adding background music can significantly enhance the overall experience for your audience. Whether you’re aiming to create a more relaxed atmosphere or want to make your presentation stand out, incorporating background music is a great idea. However, before diving into the steps of adding background music to your slides, let’s discuss some reasons why this technique is so effective.

The Power of Background Music in Google Slides

Background music can be a powerful tool in enhancing the mood and tone of your presentation. It can help set the right ambiance, making your slides feel more like an interactive experience rather than just a static display of information. When used appropriately, background music can also help engage your audience, keeping them attentive and interested throughout the presentation.

Furthermore, music has the unique ability to evoke emotions. By carefully selecting appropriate tracks, you can use music to highlight key points or moments in your presentation, drawing your audience deeper into the content. For instance, using uplifting melodies during motivational speeches can inspire your listeners, while somber tones during discussions of serious topics can emphasize the gravity of the matter.

Steps to Add Background Music to Google Slides

Adding background music to your Google Slides presentation involves a few simple steps. First, you need to choose the type of music you want to use. This could be a pre-recorded track from the internet or a piece you’ve composed yourself. Once you have your chosen track, you can follow these steps:

  1. Upload the Music File: Open your Google Slides presentation, click on the “Insert” tab, and then select “Audio.” From there, you can upload your music file. Alternatively, if you have a link to a music file, you can simply insert it directly into your slide.

  2. Set the Audio Settings: After uploading, you’ll notice that the audio is added as an object to your slide. To ensure the music plays automatically when you start your presentation, go to the “Format” tab and select “Auto Play.” Choose whether you want the music to play automatically, on mouse hover, or manually.

  3. Adjust Volume and Position: To control the volume, you can adjust the slider in the “Format” tab. If you prefer to position the audio differently, you can drag the audio object to the desired location on your slide.

  4. Embedding the Music: If you’re embedding the music file (not just linking to it), you can do so by going to the “Insert” tab and selecting “Object.” Then, choose “Sound (WAV)” from the list, upload your music file, and embed it within your slide.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate background music into your Google Slides presentation, enhancing both its visual and auditory appeal.


Adding background music to your Google Slides presentation is not just a creative choice; it’s a strategic move to captivate your audience and convey your message more effectively. With careful selection and proper integration, music can elevate your presentation to new heights, making it a memorable and engaging experience for all attendees.


Q: 如何选择合适的背景音乐? A: 选择合适的背景音乐应考虑你的主题、听众以及你希望传达的情绪。例如,对于激励性演讲,可以选择积极向上、鼓舞人心的曲目;而对于严肃的话题,则可能需要一些更加柔和或沉思的音乐来营造氛围。

Q: 背景音乐对演讲者有何影响? A: 对于演讲者而言,背景音乐可以帮助他们更好地控制情绪和节奏。通过调整音乐的播放,演讲者可以在适当的时候强调重点或缓和气氛,从而提高沟通效果。

Q: 如果没有音乐版权怎么办? A: 如果你不想购买音乐版权,可以寻找一些免费且无版权问题的音乐资源。许多网站提供了大量的免费音频素材供下载和使用。此外,你也可以尝试自己创作音乐,虽然这可能需要更多的时间和技能,但这也是一个非常有趣的选择。